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Table 4 Pregnancy outcomes in women with a Fontan circulation

From: Pregnancy outcomes in patients with a fontan circulation and proposal for a risk-scoring system: single centre experience

All pregnancy outcomes - 55 patients, n (%)

 Live births

13 (24)

 Spontaneous miscarriage

38 (69)*


3 (5)

 Ectopic pregnancy

1 (2)

Live birth outcomes (n=13)

Median gestational age of live birth (weeks)

32 (30–34)a

Mode of delivery, n (%)


 Vaginal delivery

1 (8)

 Emergency CS

3 (23)

 Semi-elective CS

9 (69)b

Indication for delivery, n (%)

 Maternal CVS

5 (38)

 Maternal obstetric

4 (31)


4 (31)

Total all-cause prolonged hospitalisation, n (%)

5 (38)


4 (31)


1 (8)

Maternal CVS complications, n (%)

 Significant deterioration in symptoms

8 (62)

 Heart failure/low cardiac output state

2 (15)


2 (15)

Maternal obstetric complications, n (%)

 Ante-partum haemorrhage

3 (23)

 Post-partum haemorrhage


 Retro-placental haematoma

1 (8)


0 (0)

 Pregnancy-induced hypertension

0 (0)

Fetal/neonatal complications, n (%)

 Birth weight (g)

1480 (1225–1815)a

 Fetal distress

3 (23)

 No. of premature deliveries

12 (92)

 Prematurity 33–36 weeks

4 (31)

 Prematurity 28–32 weeks

7 (53)

 Prematurity < 28 weeks

1 (8)


3 (23)

 Congenital heart disease

2 (15)

 Developmental delay

2 (15)

  1. CVS cardiovascular, CS caesarean section, SGA small for gestational age – birth weight < 10th centile. aContinuous data is presented as median (inter-quartile range). *p < 0.05 compared to live births. bA semi-elective CS was classified as those women requiring early delivery (< 37 weeks gestation) due to maternal or fetal reasons, but without an immediate risk to life